A chilling tale of living dystopia in the Jim Crow era and a utopian shadow state that exposes the conflict between loyalty, morality and the forces of poverty, racism and supremacism.Written in 1899, Grigg's moving, terrifying book describes the Jim Crow era life of a black man inhabiting a living dystopia. Belton Piedmont is from a poor background, he works hard to become educated but is subjected to the full range of discrimination and racism as he grows older. At the point where he has lost all hope he is introduced to the notion of a shadow state, 'Imperium in Imperio', a utopia where black people are treated equally and attempt to bring their values into the heart of government in Texas, altering his life forever. Grigg's unflinching narrative explores nationalism, civil disobedience, voter suppression, poverty and education, all still familiar themes today.FLAME TREE 451: From mystery to crime, supernatural to horror and fantasy to science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic. Each book features a brand new biography and a new glossary of Literary, Gothic and Victorian terms.