Sisters Felicity, Charity and Honor Blyth and their little brother Bruno enjoyed a secure, idyllic childhood at Heart’s Ease, their spacious family home on the Devon coast. Whatever their troubles, the siblings know they can always return to Heart’s Ease, their bolthole and sanctuary. Heart’s Ease will always be there for them… but will it?
Three very different sisters discover that life doesn’t always turn out as one would expect in this powerful romantic drama.Heart’s Ease is the loveliest house anyone knows and home to the fortunate Blyth family. Siblings Felicity, Charity, Honor and Bruno enjoy a blissfully happy childhood there before life pulls them in very different directions. Beautiful Felicity gains her handsome husband, delightful children and elegant London house, but all is far from perfect ... Charity, the clever one, lives for her work, with no time for emotional involvement, until the least romantic of meetings rocks her world… Sweet, homely Honor is devoted entirely to others, but dreams of a life of her own ... And Bruno, the indulged baby of the family, flies the nest only to find that independence may be tough ...The sanctuary of a beloved childhood home can’t last forever. But the legacy of Heart’s Ease lives on in the Blyth family’s grown-up fulfilment and happiness.