Getting deadlier with age, Firestick, the town marshal, and his two deputies, Beartooth and Moosejaw, with guns blazing, show some hired gunmen just how not welcome they are in their town. Original.
Johnstone Justice. What America Needs Now. In this exciting new series, bestselling authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone pay homage to America&;s trail-hardened backwoodsmen who, like a fine grain whiskey, only get better with age . . . REAL MEN DON&;T RIDE INTO THE SUNSET In his mountain-man days, Elwood &;Firestick&; McQueen was practically a living legend. His hunting, tracking, and trapping skills were known far and wide. But it was his deadly accuracy with a rifle that earned him the Indian name &;Firestick.&; His two best buddies are Malachi &;Beartooth&; Skinner&;whose knife was as fatal as a grizzly&;s chompers&;and Jim &;Moosejaw&; Hendricks, who once wielded the jawbone of a moose to crush his enemies in the heat of battle. Of course, things are different nowadays. The trio have finally settled down, running a horse ranch in West Texas&;and spending quality time with their lady friends. But if you think these old boys are ready for lives of leisure, think again . . . Firestick is the town marshal. Beartooth and Moosejaw are his deputies. And when a hired gunman shows up with bullets blazing, these three hard-cases are ready to prove they aren&;t getting older. They&;re getting deadlier . . . Live Free. Read Hard.