Fired and ditched by Charlie, Vita sets off in hotpursuit of her former client and some answers. But Charlie’s not alone.She’s hired a brand new bodyguard, Circe, unaware she’s a killer whohas been stalking Charlie since her crowdfunded assassination campaignbegan.As this catastrophic throuple cat andmouses it across America, feelings and knives and secrets will come out,including who started Charlie’s Reapr campaign and why everyone wants herdead. All leading to a bloody showdown with the shadowy group responsible forturning Charlie’s murder into a viral sensation.The final arc of the GLAAD and two-timeEisner-nominated series by writer CHRISTOPHER SEBELA (SHANGHAI RED, HIGHCRIMES), artists RO STEIN & TED BRANDT (DC Pride, Captain Marvel), TRIONAFARRELL (Runaways, Mech Cadet Yu), and CARDINAL RAE (BINGO LOVE,ROSE).