A bona fide tough guy with soulful eyes and a laconic style, Robert Mitchum was one of Hollywood's best-loved actors, star of such moody film noir favourites as Out of the Past, Night of the Hunter and Cape Fear, as well as enduring classics like Angel Face and Crossfire. But, as Lee Server now reveals, Mitchum was one of the few Hollywood icons whose real-life exploits were yet more compelling than his on-screen persona. A hobo in the Depression, he fell into movie acting after stints as a boxer, a beach bum and a songwriter. Despite early Hollywood successes, he was famously busted on a narcotics rap. But even prison couldn't tame Mitchum's taste for living on the wild side, and he remained an unrepentant misbehaver until the end of his days. In this biography of Robert Mitchum, Lee Server offers the definitive life story of a man who redefined cinematic cool.