"People's lives are made up of good and bad decisions, histories filled with triumph and pain, behaviors formed from a lifetime of experiences - your characters should be no different. But writing psychologically complex characters requires an understanding of human behavior. Fortunately, you don't need a PhD in psychology to add complexity to your screenwriting. William Indick will help you add psychological depth to your script with insights from brilliant psychological theorists like Freud, Jung, and Adler. Get ready to create characters and conflict that will have your audience begging for only one thing - more"--
Step inside the minds of your villains, yourheroes, your victims, and bring your stories to life. This book teaches you howto apply classic theories of psychology, personality, and psychoanalysis,making your screenwriting more relatable to your audience with psychologicallycomplex characters and emotionally conflicting plot lines.
People’s lives are made up of good and baddecisions, histories filled with triumph and pain, behaviors formed from alifetime of experiences — your characters should be no different. But writingpsychologically complex characters requires an understanding of human behavior.Fortunately, you don’t need a PhD in psychology to add complexity to yourscreenwriting. William Indick will help you add psychological depth to yourscript with insights from brilliant psychological theorists like Freud, Jung,and Adler. Get ready to create characters and conflict that will have youraudience begging for only one thing — more.