(Schott). Volume 2 deals with more complex and colorful harmony, from suspended fourth, sharp eleven and thirteenth chords to diminished and altered scales. Advanced voicing, accompaniment and improvisation techniques are examined in detail, including the following topics: Quartal harmony, modal improvisation, long and short II V patterns, altered dominant chords, polychords, stride piano, Bossa Nova, clave and Partido Alto, Lydian and Locrian modes, how to make scales swing, building bebop lines, bebop scales, R235 patterns, the b3 pentatonic scale, rhythm changes, turnarounds, minor II V I, playing in 3/4 time, playing in double-time, tension and release, transcribing, practice routines. 32 pieces by the author appear alongside special arrangements of well-known jazz standards, including: Beautiful Love * Blue Bossa * Blue in Green * Caravan * Impressions * Ladybird * Misty * On Green Dolphin Street * Softly as in a Morning Sunrise * Summertime * Tune Up and Yesterdays. Also included are transcribed solos by Oscar Peterson, Wynton Kelly and Hampton Hawes. Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.