Art therapy is a developing profession worldwide, and one that is recognised in some countries, but by no means all. Furthering the establishment of art therapy will require the discipline to develop a robust research profile, one that shows it to be an effective intervention with a wide range of client populations within health, social, educational and criminal justice systems. This edited volume makes a significant contribution to art therapy's evidence base. It reports on innovative art therapy research and conveys, in an accessible and highly readable way, the lived experience of research by art therapy practitioners. Narratives describe a variety of fascinating projects - from a randomised controlled trial to research-based case studies and clinical research that draws on visual and historical methods - that demonstrate a reflexive loop which moves from practice to research and from research back into practice, showing that research is an exciting, accessible and eminently do-able activity. A collaborative approach between the editor and the contributors informs a series of commentaries about both their research findings in relation to the evidence-base of art therapy with children, adults and people with learning disabilities, and the issues that arise for clinical practices and services at the point of delivery.