LEARN HOW TO WRITE YOUR FIRST NOVEL WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE. This new edition of an acclaimed guide to writing a novel helps you if you are just at the very beginning of your writing journey, showing you how to gain confidence and find inspiration. A classic book that has supported thousands of authors over the years, it contains a wealth of information on how to structure, craft and develop your writing, how to edit and redraft, and how to take the first steps towards publication. Each chapter contains a long and several shorter writing exercises, while key quotes, ideas and focus points will be clearly signposted and will summarise important concepts and advice. At the heart of each chapter is the 'Workshop'. The Workshop is a key exercise, in which you will gain a deeper insight into the craft of writing This new edition also includes an expanded section on self- and digital-publishing, to reflect recent advances in technology and practice. ABOUT THE SERIES The Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.