The Fifth Edition of A Stata® Companion to Political Analysis by Philip H. Pollock III and Barry C. Edwards teaches your students to conduct political research with Stata, one of the most popular statistical software packages. This workbook offers the same easy-to-use and effective style as the other companions to the Essentials of Political Analysis, to work with Stata versions 12 through 17. With this comprehensive workbook, students analyze research-quality data to learn descriptive statistics, data transformations, bivariate analysis (such as cross-tabulations and mean comparisons), controlled comparisons, correlation and bivariate regression, interaction effects, and logistic regression. The many annotated screen shots, as well as QR codes linking to demonstration videos, supplement the clear explanations and instructions. End-of-chapter exercises allow students to ample space to practice their skills.The Fifth Edition includes new and revised exercises, along with new and updated datasets from the 2020 American National Election Study, an experiment dataset, and two aggregate datasets, one on 50 U.S. states and one based on countries of the world. A new 15-chapter structure helps break up individual elements of political analysis for deeper explanation while updated screenshots reflect the latest platform.