iPad for Seniors in easy steps, 13th editiongives a comprehensive introduction to the iPad, showing how it differs frommore traditional computers and how to find your way around this captivatingdevice. It is written with Seniors' needs in mind and covers all iPad models withiPadOS 17.
This bestselling guide, iPad for Seniors in easy steps,13th edition,is updated to cover iPadOS 17. Written in larger type, it’ll help senior folkslearn how to use and enjoy myriad iPad features with ease, including: Choosing the right model for you.Mastering multitasking gestures. Customizing the iPad for your needs. Using your iPad to keep in touch with familyand friends. Making video calls and sending messages forfree. Taking, editing, and sharing photos. Finding online recipes and meal plans. Taking a virtual tour of your favorite artgalleries and museums.Planning and booking trips. The book covers the latest features of iPadOS17, so you know you will be completely up to date and can make the most of youriPad. These include: Customizing the Lock screen.This provides numerous design options for customizing the Lock screen. This caninclude customizing the background, creating your own text styles, and addingvarious widgets. Messages app Plus button.This is a feature that provides greater functionality to the Messages app andenables you to access a range of features and content. These include: sharingyour current location, sending a voice note with a transcription, and creatingyour own customized stickers that can be added to messages and in othercompatible apps. Health app. Forthe first time, Apple’s popular and powerful Health app is included on theiPad, providing access to a considerable range of health and wellbeing data andinformation. The app can also be synchronized with an iPhone and an AppleWatch. Written in large type, in full color, and usingnon-technical language, iPad for Seniors in easy steps 13thedition will help you get much more out of your iPad – so youdon't have to ask the kids!