Business decisions are too often based on fads, fashions, hunches and the success stories of famous CEOs. Making decisions in this way without properly assessing the business needs, capabilities and relevant organizational data results in wasted time, money and effort. Evidence-Based Management shows how to avoid these mistakes by using a combination of critical thinking and the best available evidence to make sound business decisions.This comprehensive guide will allow readers to answer questions including: What counts as good quality evidence? How can I avoid pseudoscience and business falsehoods? How do I determine what organizational data I need and how do I collect it in line with privacy rules? Most importantly, Evidence-Based Management will empower readers to ask the right questions of the evidence and interpret it to add real business value. In order to assess whether turnover of top performers is really higher than the rest of the workforce, whether a dip in engagement scores is pure chance or due to significant issues or whether a change management initiative is really necessary, this is an invaluable guide. Online resources include case studies, exercises, lecture slides and further reading.
Make defensible business decisions using data and evidence from sources already present in your organization.