Root for Morris the spectacle-wearing mole to find his way home in this laugh-out-loud story from Jarvis, the creator of Alan's Big, Scary Teeth. "The witty Jarvis makes all the right moves" New York Times From Jarvis, the creator of Alan's Big, Scary Teeth, comes another truly unmissable, hilarious adventure about a daddy mole who has mislaid his spectacles. Morris can't find them anywhere. So, he decides to go on without them, trusting his instincts to lead him the right way home to his waiting family and delicious dinner of worm noodles. "Mrs Mole, I'm homeeee!" he sings ... as he burrows right into some poor unsuspecting rabbit family's hole. Oh dear. Without his spectacles, Morris really can't see a single thing - how will he ever get home? With perfect comic timing and a whole lot of heart, Jarvis will have all readers rooting for Morris to find his family, and rejoicing in the idea that - glasses or no glasses - you can always make your way back to home sweet home.