Vietnam: Navigating a Rapidly Changing Economy, Society, and Political Order

Автор: Börje Ljunggren, Dwight H. Perkins
Количество страниц: 452
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 30027408

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Описание товара: Vietnam: Navigating a Rapidly Changing Economy, Society, and Political Order

"This joint undertaking by scholars from Vietnam, North America, and Europe focuses on how Vietnam's governance shapes the country's politics, economy, social development, its relations with the outside world, and on the reforms required if Vietnam is tobecome a sustainable modern high-income country in the coming decades"--
In the late 1980s, most of the world still associated Vietnam with resistance and war, hardship, refugees, and a mismanaged planned economy. During the 1990s, by contrast, major countries began to see Vietnam as both a potential partner and a strategically significant actor—particularly in the competition between the United States and an emerging China—and international investors began to see Vietnam as a land of opportunity.Vietnam remains a Leninist party-state ruled by the Communist Party of Vietnam that has reconciled the supposedly irreconcilable: a one-party system and a market-based economy linked to global value chains. For the Party stability is crucial and, recently, increasing economic openness has been combined with growing political control and repression.This book, undertaken by scholars from Vietnam, North America, and Europe, focuses on how the country’s governance shapes its politics, economy, social development, and relations with the outside world, as well as on the reforms required if Vietnam is to become a sustainable and modern high-income nation in the coming decades.Despite the challenges, including systemic ones, the authors remain optimistic about Vietnam’s future, noting the evident vitality of a determined society.
Vietnam focuses on how the country’s governance shapes its politics, economy, social development, and international relations, as well as on the reforms required if it is to become a sustainable and modern high-income nation in the coming decades. This book features work by scholars from Vietnam, North America, and Europe.

Общая информация o: Vietnam: Navigating a Rapidly Changing Economy, Society, and Political Order

ID товара: 30027408
Категория: Книги по экономике
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,18 x 0,25 м, 0,3 кг
Издательство: Harvard University Press
Автор: Börje Ljunggren, Dwight H. Perkins
Количество страниц: 452
Год публикации: 2023

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