From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hopeless and Losing Hope.Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize just how much they belong together. Colleen Hoover entranced readers everywhere with her bestselling novel Slammed, the book that introduced Layken and Will, a young couple whose love overcame devastating hardships to emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Now, as Layken and Will’s emotion-packed story continues, a stunning and unforeseen revelation about Will’s past leaves them questioning everything that they thought they knew about each other. With the foundation of their relationship at risk, they must decide whether they are willing to fight for a future together, or to retreat back into solitude and heartache. How far does Will have to go to prove to Layken his love for her will last forever? It will require something truly extraordinary to keep this couple together, and the decisions they make and the answers they find will change not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them. “Colleen Hoover's second novel is just as brilliant and entertaining as Slammed. Point of Retreat is absolute poetry.” —Jamie McGuire, author of Beautiful Disaster

Тип: Контроллеры системы отопления
ID товара: 20985298
Продавец: 4.5
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В четверг, 9 января


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В четверг, 9 января


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В четверг, 9 января


Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

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Описание товара: From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hopeless and Losing Hope.Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize just how much they belong together. Colleen Hoover entranced readers everywhere with her bestselling novel Slammed, the book that introduced Layken and Will, a young couple whose love overcame devastating hardships to emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Now, as Layken and Will’s emotion-packed story continues, a stunning and unforeseen revelation about Will’s past leaves them questioning everything that they thought they knew about each other. With the foundation of their relationship at risk, they must decide whether they are willing to fight for a future together, or to retreat back into solitude and heartache. How far does Will have to go to prove to Layken his love for her will last forever? It will require something truly extraordinary to keep this couple together, and the decisions they make and the answers they find will change not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them. “Colleen Hoover's second novel is just as brilliant and entertaining as Slammed. Point of Retreat is absolute poetry.” —Jamie McGuire, author of Beautiful Disaster

Weberman keskküttepump GPA II 25-6 (0602W)

Tsirkulatsioonipump keskkütte jaoks

Keskküttepumbad on eriti tõhusad ja vastupidavad kõrgetele temperatuuridele ning toetavad vee liikumist keskküttesüsteemides, aga ka kliimaseadmetes ja põrandaküttesüsteemides. Tsirkulatsioonipumba kasutamisega tagame kõrge termilise mugavuse ja vaikuse, kuna nende pumpade töö on praktiliselt vaikne.

Tootja Weberman
Tootja kood 0602W

Tehnilised andmed
Maksimaalne võimsus 45 W
Käikude arv 1
Maksimaalne veetõstekõrgus 6,2 m
Maksimaalne kasutegur 50 l/min
Maksimaalne temperatuur 110°C
Ühenduse läbimõõt 1 1/2"
Kaal [kg] Andmed puuduvad

Tootja Weberman
Tootja kood 0602W
Tehnilised andmed
Maksimaalne võimsus 45 W
Käikude arv 1
Maksimaalne veetõstekõrgus 6,2 m
Maksimaalne kasutegur 50 l/min
Maksimaalne temperatuur 110°C
Ühenduse läbimõõt 1 1/2"
Kaal [kg]

Andmed puuduvad Weberman elektripump GPA II - 0602W

  • Töövahemik maks. 3,0 m³/tunnis
  • Tõstekõrgus maks. 6,2 m
  • Vedeliku temperatuur min. +2°C, max.+110°C
  • Pumbatava vedeliku tüüp Puhas, tahkete osakeste, kiudude ja mineraalõli aineteta, mitteviskoosne, keemiliselt neutraalne, mittesöövitav ja mitteplahvatusohtlik, parameetrid sarnased veele. Vee viskoossusega vedeliku pumpamine halvendab oluliselt jõudlusparameetreid ja pump ei pruugi korralikult töötada.
  • Minimaalne sisselaskerõhk sõltuvalt vedeliku temperatuurist 0,50 bar kuni 85°C 0,28 bar kuni 90°C 1,00 bar kuni 110°C
  • Maksimaalne rõhk 1,0 MPa
  • IP kaitseklass 42
  • Isolatsiooniklass H
  • Energiatõhususe indeks EEI ≤0,23
  • Paigaldamine nii, et võll on horisontaalasendis, kaablihülss on suunatud alla või küljele
  • Pinge ~230V (-6% – +10%), 50/60Hz
  • Energiatarve 5 – 45W; 0,05 – 0,38A
  • Ühenduskaugus 180 mm
  • Ühendus 1 1/2"
  • Keskkonnaparameetrid 0°C - 40°C; RH

Общая информация o: From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hopeless and Losing Hope.Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize just how much they belong together. Colleen Hoover entranced readers everywhere with her bestselling novel Slammed, the book that introduced Layken and Will, a young couple whose love overcame devastating hardships to emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Now, as Layken and Will’s emotion-packed story continues, a stunning and unforeseen revelation about Will’s past leaves them questioning everything that they thought they knew about each other. With the foundation of their relationship at risk, they must decide whether they are willing to fight for a future together, or to retreat back into solitude and heartache. How far does Will have to go to prove to Layken his love for her will last forever? It will require something truly extraordinary to keep this couple together, and the decisions they make and the answers they find will change not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them. “Colleen Hoover's second novel is just as brilliant and entertaining as Slammed. Point of Retreat is absolute poetry.” —Jamie McGuire, author of Beautiful Disaster

ID товара: 20985298
Категория: Принадлежности для отопительного оборудования
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,5 x 0,5 x 0,5 м, 2 кг
Тип: Контроллеры системы отопления
Вид: Weberman, Контроллеры системы отопления принадлежности для отопительного оборудования
Торговая марка: Weberman
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары Weberman

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From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hopeless and Losing Hope.Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize just how much they belong together. Colleen Hoover entranced readers everywhere with her bestselling novel Slammed, the book that introduced Layken and Will, a young couple whose love overcame devastating hardships to emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Now, as Layken and Will’s emotion-packed story continues, a stunning and unforeseen revelation about Will’s past leaves them questioning everything that they thought they knew about each other. With the foundation of their relationship at risk, they must decide whether they are willing to fight for a future together, or to retreat back into solitude and heartache. How far does Will have to go to prove to Layken his love for her will last forever? It will require something truly extraordinary to keep this couple together, and the decisions they make and the answers they find will change not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them. “Colleen Hoover's second novel is just as brilliant and entertaining as Slammed. Point of Retreat is absolute poetry.” —Jamie McGuire, author of Beautiful Disaster
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Рекомендуем вместе с: From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hopeless and Losing Hope.Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize just how much they belong together. Colleen Hoover entranced readers everywhere with her bestselling novel Slammed, the book that introduced Layken and Will, a young couple whose love overcame devastating hardships to emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Now, as Layken and Will’s emotion-packed story continues, a stunning and unforeseen revelation about Will’s past leaves them questioning everything that they thought they knew about each other. With the foundation of their relationship at risk, they must decide whether they are willing to fight for a future together, or to retreat back into solitude and heartache. How far does Will have to go to prove to Layken his love for her will last forever? It will require something truly extraordinary to keep this couple together, and the decisions they make and the answers they find will change not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them. “Colleen Hoover's second novel is just as brilliant and entertaining as Slammed. Point of Retreat is absolute poetry.” —Jamie McGuire, author of Beautiful Disaster

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