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"Dive into systems serves as an introduction to computer systems, computer organization, and parallel computing. The book is intended for an audience that has only a CS background"-- Dive into Systems is a vivid introduction to computer organization, architecture, and operating systems that is already being used as a classroom textbook at more than 25 universities.This textbook is a crash course in the major hardware and software components of a modern computer system. Designed for use in a wide range of introductory-level computer science classes, it guides readers through the vertical slice of a computer so they can develop an understanding of the machine at various layers of abstraction. Early chapters begin with the basics of the C programming language often used in systems programming. Other topics explore the architecture of modern computers, the inner workings of operating systems, and the assembly languages that translate human-readable instructions into a binary representation that the computer understands. Later chapters explain how to optimize code for various architectures, how to implement parallel computing with shared memory, and how memory management works in multi-core CPUs. Accessible and easy to follow, the book uses images and hands-on exercise to break down complicated topics, including code examples that can be modified and executed.

Материал: Древесностружечная плита (ДСП)
Тип ТВ-столика: Подвесные
Цвет: Черный

Multifunktsionaalne riiuliklamber AddGrace, 4 tk, must

Тип полки: Настенные
Функция: Открытая
Ширина: - см