Award-winning cardiologist Dr Mimi Guarneri shows how to take charge of your health by working with your genes, nutrition, mental health, spirituality and more. What guides your everyday life? In many cultures, you might use prayer beads such as the rosary or the 108-bead mala as a guide in your spiritual or meditative practice. In this book, Dr Mimi Guarneri blends modern science and ancient wisdom to offer her own guide of 108 pearls - steps you can take to awaken the healing potential of your body, mind and spirit. Drawing from her experience as an internationally renowned cardiologist, scholar, author and leading proponent of integrative medicine, Dr Guarneri translates the science of health, healing and longevity into practical answers to lead you to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. With the guide of the 108 pearls in this book, you will understand why your genes do not determine your destiny; how to adopt a damage-proof diet; how to turn stress into strength; how to achieve holistic mental health; how to nourish your relationships; how to tap into the healing power of your thoughts; and how to strengthen your spirituality and heal your energy body. Most importantly, you will understand how to use what you've learned to help heal our planet. Once you realize that wellness is the result of an intimate dance between ourselves and our world, you'll move from just surviving to thriving!

Тип: Башня Монтессори
Материал: Древесина
Цвет: Светло коричневый
ID товара: 19216523
Продавец: EasyShop 4.5
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6 ноября


Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

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Описание товара: Award-winning cardiologist Dr Mimi Guarneri shows how to take charge of your health by working with your genes, nutrition, mental health, spirituality and more. What guides your everyday life? In many cultures, you might use prayer beads such as the rosary or the 108-bead mala as a guide in your spiritual or meditative practice. In this book, Dr Mimi Guarneri blends modern science and ancient wisdom to offer her own guide of 108 pearls - steps you can take to awaken the healing potential of your body, mind and spirit. Drawing from her experience as an internationally renowned cardiologist, scholar, author and leading proponent of integrative medicine, Dr Guarneri translates the science of health, healing and longevity into practical answers to lead you to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. With the guide of the 108 pearls in this book, you will understand why your genes do not determine your destiny; how to adopt a damage-proof diet; how to turn stress into strength; how to achieve holistic mental health; how to nourish your relationships; how to tap into the healing power of your thoughts; and how to strengthen your spirituality and heal your energy body. Most importantly, you will understand how to use what you've learned to help heal our planet. Once you realize that wellness is the result of an intimate dance between ourselves and our world, you'll move from just surviving to thriving!

See on platvorm, mis võimaldab lapsel osaleda toidu valmistamisega seotud tegevustes. Tavaliselt on lastel piiratud juurdepääs köögilauale, kraanikausile või lauale. Köögiabilisega saab laps mitte ainult jälgida järgnevaid toiduvalmistamise etappe, vaid ka ise aktiivselt osaleda nõude valmistamisel, laua katmisel või nõude pesemisel. Köögiabi konstruktsioon on stabiilne ning võimaldab reguleerida platvormi kõrgust ja kohandada seda vastavalt lapse pikkusele, mis mõjutab otseselt tema turvalisust ning võimaldab ise lisavoodisse sisse ja sealt väljuda.

MeowBaby® köögiabiline on kombinatsioon turvalisest kokkupanekutehnoloogiast, konstruktsiooni stabiilsusest ja vormi kergusest ebatavalise, kuid minimalistliku disainiga. Tehnilised andmed: materjal: männipuit platvormi kõrguse reguleerimine 3 valikus (20 cm - 33 cm - 46 cm maapinnast) selle kõrguse reguleerimine ei nõua varustust ega jõudu - lihtsalt liigutage platvorm soovitud latti Mõõdud: kogukõrgus : 90 cm laius: 39 cm

Практичный cтиль

Тем, кто хочет создать дома удобное и функциональное пространство, подойдет практичная мебель. Ценности этого стиля связываются с изящной обстановкой, не требующей много внимания, которую можно создать практически в любой комнате.

Практично то, что функционально, поэтому и мебель этого стиля может предложить множество полезных качеств и особенностей. Если мебель выполняет больше одной функции, ее можно смело называть практичной! Это означает, что эти изделия можно приспособить в помещениях разного размера и планировки и использовать их не только по основному назначению.

Практичная мебель компактного размера, ее легко перенести на другое место, а иногда можно и сложить, таким образом освобождая еще больше комнатного места. По этой причине удается создать минималистическую и эргономичную обстановку, в которой остается места и для других дизайнерских решений, и для удобного прохода. Говоря иначе, Award-winning cardiologist Dr Mimi Guarneri shows how to take charge of your health by working with your genes, nutrition, mental health, spirituality and more. What guides your everyday life? In many cultures, you might use prayer beads such as the rosary or the 108-bead mala as a guide in your spiritual or meditative practice. In this book, Dr Mimi Guarneri blends modern science and ancient wisdom to offer her own guide of 108 pearls - steps you can take to awaken the healing potential of your body, mind and spirit. Drawing from her experience as an internationally renowned cardiologist, scholar, author and leading proponent of integrative medicine, Dr Guarneri translates the science of health, healing and longevity into practical answers to lead you to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. With the guide of the 108 pearls in this book, you will understand why your genes do not determine your destiny; how to adopt a damage-proof diet; how to turn stress into strength; how to achieve holistic mental health; how to nourish your relationships; how to tap into the healing power of your thoughts; and how to strengthen your spirituality and heal your energy body. Most importantly, you will understand how to use what you've learned to help heal our planet. Once you realize that wellness is the result of an intimate dance between ourselves and our world, you'll move from just surviving to thriving! легко вольется в создаваемую обстановку и не будет мешать осуществлять самые неожиданные решения.

Еще одним свойством практичной мебели является легкий уход – для ее производства используются материалы, не притягивающие грязь либо ее идеально маскирующие. Для отделки выбираются самые разные цвета: если материал легко пачкается, используются более пестрые узоры или нейтральные оттенки, а если за поверхностью легко ухаживать, то превалируют более яркие акценты. Такой баланс обеспечивает, что в любом случае эту мебель не нужно будет тщательно беречь.

Мебель практичного стиля не имеет специфических деталей, поэтому ее легко сочетать с любыми другими дизайнерскими решениями. Ее второе имя – универсальность, поэтому, выбрав такую мебель, Вы без труда найдете подходящее для нее место в своем доме.

Award-winning cardiologist Dr Mimi Guarneri shows how to take charge of   your health by working with your genes, nutrition, mental health,   spirituality and more.     What guides your everyday life? In many cultures, you might use prayer beads   such as the rosary or the 108-bead mala as a guide in your spiritual or   meditative practice. In this book, Dr Mimi Guarneri blends modern science and   ancient wisdom to offer her own guide of 108 pearls - steps you can take to   awaken the healing potential of your body, mind and spirit.      Drawing from her experience as an internationally renowned cardiologist,   scholar, author and leading proponent of integrative medicine, Dr Guarneri   translates the science of health, healing and longevity into practical   answers to lead you to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.      With the guide of the 108 pearls in this book, you will understand why your   genes do not determine your destiny; how to adopt a damage-proof diet; how to   turn stress into strength; how to achieve holistic mental health; how to   nourish your relationships; how to tap into the healing power of your   thoughts; and how to strengthen your spirituality and heal your energy body.   Most importantly, you will understand how to use what you've learned to help   heal our planet. Once you realize that wellness is the result of an intimate   dance between ourselves and our world, you'll move from just surviving to   thriving! Практичный cтиль

Изображения носят исключительно иллюстративный характер и предназначены для демонстрации характеристик продукта. Товар, показанный на рисунке, не отражает конкретную модель продукта.

Общая информация o: Award-winning cardiologist Dr Mimi Guarneri shows how to take charge of your health by working with your genes, nutrition, mental health, spirituality and more. What guides your everyday life? In many cultures, you might use prayer beads such as the rosary or the 108-bead mala as a guide in your spiritual or meditative practice. In this book, Dr Mimi Guarneri blends modern science and ancient wisdom to offer her own guide of 108 pearls - steps you can take to awaken the healing potential of your body, mind and spirit. Drawing from her experience as an internationally renowned cardiologist, scholar, author and leading proponent of integrative medicine, Dr Guarneri translates the science of health, healing and longevity into practical answers to lead you to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. With the guide of the 108 pearls in this book, you will understand why your genes do not determine your destiny; how to adopt a damage-proof diet; how to turn stress into strength; how to achieve holistic mental health; how to nourish your relationships; how to tap into the healing power of your thoughts; and how to strengthen your spirituality and heal your energy body. Most importantly, you will understand how to use what you've learned to help heal our planet. Once you realize that wellness is the result of an intimate dance between ourselves and our world, you'll move from just surviving to thriving!

ID товара: 19216523
Категория: Детские столы и стулья
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,65 x 0,5 x 0,32 м, 5 кг
Стиль: Практичный
Длина: 39 см
Высота: 90 см
Глубина: 51 см
Страна производитель: ЕС
Торговая марка: MeowBaby
Тип: Башня Монтессори
Вид: MeowBaby, Башня Монтессори детские столы и стулья
Материал: Древесина
Цвет: Светло коричневый
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары MeowBaby
Правила ухода за товаром: Инструкция

Изображения продуктов приведены исключительно в иллюстративных целях и являются примерными. Ссылки на видео в описании товара предназначены только для информационных целей, поэтому информация, которую они содержат, может отличаться от самого товара. Цвета, надписи, параметры, размеры, функции и/или любые другие характеристики оригинальных продуктов из-за их визуальных характеристик могут отличаться от реальных, поэтому, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со спецификациями продукта, приведенными в описании продукта.

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Award-winning cardiologist Dr Mimi Guarneri shows how to take charge of your health by working with your genes, nutrition, mental health, spirituality and more. What guides your everyday life? In many cultures, you might use prayer beads such as the rosary or the 108-bead mala as a guide in your spiritual or meditative practice. In this book, Dr Mimi Guarneri blends modern science and ancient wisdom to offer her own guide of 108 pearls - steps you can take to awaken the healing potential of your body, mind and spirit. Drawing from her experience as an internationally renowned cardiologist, scholar, author and leading proponent of integrative medicine, Dr Guarneri translates the science of health, healing and longevity into practical answers to lead you to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. With the guide of the 108 pearls in this book, you will understand why your genes do not determine your destiny; how to adopt a damage-proof diet; how to turn stress into strength; how to achieve holistic mental health; how to nourish your relationships; how to tap into the healing power of your thoughts; and how to strengthen your spirituality and heal your energy body. Most importantly, you will understand how to use what you've learned to help heal our planet. Once you realize that wellness is the result of an intimate dance between ourselves and our world, you'll move from just surviving to thriving!
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