Classical Sociological Theory 4th Edition

Автор: C Calhoun
Количество страниц: 576
Год публикации: 2022
ID товара: 12346974
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Описание товара: Classical Sociological Theory 4th Edition

"Classical sociological theory shapes the discipline of sociology, but also all of modern social thought. It influences politics, economics, and legal decisions. Preachers refer to it in sermons, journalists in newspaper columns. It shapes how both experts and ordinary people think about race, gender, sexuality, family, community, nationalism, military service, business corporations, social movements, and response to emergencies. It enables us to see connections among different events, institutions, and trends. It helps us to see general patterns in social life. And it helps us relate personal life to society. This is important at all scales from interpersonal relations like love or friendship to large-scale patterns in economy, government, or culture. Sociological theory helps us to see to what extent we can choose the conditions we live under. It helps us literally to judge what is possible and what is not, and what are the likely consequences of different courses of action. Sociological theory does not tell us what parties to vote for, what religion to profess - if any - or what moral values are right. But it does enable us to make systematic and informed judgments about what policies will promote our values and which will be likely to undermine them.It helps us to locate our personal experiences and shared projects in larger social and historical contexts. As C. Wright Mills put it: "Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.""--
A world-class introduction to the historical and continuing impact of classical theory on sociological debate  The latest edition of Classical Sociological Theory offers students a definitive guide to the theoretical foundations of sociology and the continuing impact of the ideas explored by early theorists, including Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, Simmel, Freud, Du Bois, Adorno, Marcuse, Parsons, and Merton. The prestigious editors have integrated several readings on the most influential theories arising out of the Enlightenment era and the work of de Tocqueville.  Readers are introduced to seminal works in classical sociological theory by way of editorial introductions that lend historical and intellectual perspective to the included readings. The readings themselves have been selected based on their combinations of theoretical sophistication and accessibility. From analyses of self and society to examinations of critical theory and structural-functional analysis, Classical Sociological Theory remains the gold standard in classical theory readers.  The Fourth Edition of this widely taught book includes:  Selections that trace the history of classical sociological theory, from its undisciplined roots to its modern influence on contemporary sociological debate  Readings describing the “pre-history” of sociology, including ideas from the Enlightenment and de Tocqueville  Editorial introductions that place selected works firmly in their intellectual, philosophical, and historical contexts for the benefit of the student  A distinguished and scholarly team of editors with a wide and deep range of expertise  Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students of social and sociological theory, Classical Sociological Theory is also a thought-provoking resource ideal for use in courses taught in human geography, anthropology, criminology, and urban studies programs. 

Общая информация o: Classical Sociological Theory 4th Edition

ID товара: 12346974
Категория: Книги по социальным наукам
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,18 x 0,27 м, 1,08 кг
Издательство: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Не указано
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Не указано
Raamat väljavõttega: Нет
Автор: C Calhoun
Количество страниц: 576
Год публикации: 2022

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