With Jay inside her head, Nahima is about to make the biggest mistake of her life, unless someone steps in to save her from herself. Is it too late to pull her back to safety and serve her a healthy dose of reality? Who will save her from the sins of her mother?Still in prison with severely declining health, Jay is bitter and nursing a vengeful heart. Instead of accepting responsibility for her sins and seeking God’s forgiveness again, she plots to inflict pain on those who she believes have done her wrong. Taking a page right out of Satan’s playbook, she makes her move on an unlikely ally, the weakest soul in the family, the child she never wanted and refused to accept until now. Driven by lies and pure deception, Nahima, almost sweet 16, is on the fast track to self-destruction. The frequent letters and jailhouse phone calls from Jay only fuel her anger. The radical teenager lashes out at those who truly love her and are concerned about her well-being, including her mother, Venus. Even her innocent baby brother, Jalen, is a victim of her wrath. Nahima is romantically involved with a much older man named Santana who has introduced her to a world of sex, drugs, and manipulation. God seems to have turned a deaf ear to Aunt Jackie’s desperate prayers on behalf of her wayward great-niece, but Uncle Zach prefers the no-nonsense approach of tough love and forced accountability.

ID товара: 25008008
Продавец: Perfect colours match 5
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30 октября


Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

Продавец: Perfect colours match 5

Описание товара: With Jay inside her head, Nahima is about to make the biggest mistake of her life, unless someone steps in to save her from herself. Is it too late to pull her back to safety and serve her a healthy dose of reality? Who will save her from the sins of her mother?Still in prison with severely declining health, Jay is bitter and nursing a vengeful heart. Instead of accepting responsibility for her sins and seeking God’s forgiveness again, she plots to inflict pain on those who she believes have done her wrong. Taking a page right out of Satan’s playbook, she makes her move on an unlikely ally, the weakest soul in the family, the child she never wanted and refused to accept until now. Driven by lies and pure deception, Nahima, almost sweet 16, is on the fast track to self-destruction. The frequent letters and jailhouse phone calls from Jay only fuel her anger. The radical teenager lashes out at those who truly love her and are concerned about her well-being, including her mother, Venus. Even her innocent baby brother, Jalen, is a victim of her wrath. Nahima is romantically involved with a much older man named Santana who has introduced her to a world of sex, drugs, and manipulation. God seems to have turned a deaf ear to Aunt Jackie’s desperate prayers on behalf of her wayward great-niece, but Uncle Zach prefers the no-nonsense approach of tough love and forced accountability.

Обладательницы комбинированной и жирной кожей часто сталкиваются с проблемами макияжа. Существует постоянная озабоченность временным эффектом «исчезновения» макияжа и эстетическим блеском. Известный бренд Revlon предлагает Вам правильное решение!

Revlon Colorstay Waterproof Liquid Makeup Foundation With Medium Coverage For Combo/Oily Skin

Основа под макияж для комбинированной и жирной кожи Revlon ColorStay - номер 1 в США! Она обеспечивает идеальный матовый оттенок, а идеальный эффект продлится до 24 часов!

Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „Revlon ColorStay™ Makeup commercial“

Revlon ColorStay создан специально для комбинированной и жирной кожи. Придает коже идеально гладкий матовый эффект. Это особенно легкая основа под макияж, которая обеспечивает правильный баланс влаги. Нет больше никакого блеска!

Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „Revlon ColorStay™ Makeup commercial“

Основа под макияж Revlon ColorStay с защитой SPF 15 UV / UVB. Ультрамягкая и легкая текстура отлично покроет Вашу кожу и создаст ощущение комфорта в течение 24 часов!

Обеспечивает средний уровень покрытия, который отлично маскирует любые недостатки кожи для стойкого 24-часового матового покрытия. Продукт прекрасно сочетается с Вашей кожей, придавая ей естественную, матовую поверхность.

Revlon Colorstay Waterproof Liquid Makeup Foundation With Medium Coverage For Combo/Oily Skin

Основа под макияж предназначена для комбинированной и жирной кожи - формула с добавлением салициловой кислоты.

Revlon ColorStay Makeup Foundation for Normal/Dry Skin with SPF 20 Medium Shades 1 fl oz

Это идеальный комфорт для Вашей кожи. Забудьте о блеске и постоянных корректировках макияжа!

Revlon Colorstay Waterproof Liquid Makeup Foundation With Medium Coverage For Combo/Oily Skin

Основные особенности Revlon ColorStay Makeup:

  • Длительный эффект и безупречный результат сохраняется до 24 часов.
  • Формула продукта содержит салициловую кислоту, которая уравновешивает баланс влаги комбинированной и жирной кожи.
  • Среднее покрытие. Идеальный матовый эффект.
  • С защитой SPF 15.

Другие преимущества:

  • Основа под макияж отлично подойдет женщинам, которые спешат, постоянно заняты. Идеальный эффект длится до 24 часов. Благодаря этому, Вы можете забыть о корректировке макияжа на целый день.
  • Обеспечивает безупречный матовый оттенок, предотвращает нежелательный блеск и защищает кожу от внешних воздействий, таких как солнечный свет.
  • Обеспечивает среднее покрытие.
  • Не создает эффект маски.
  • Ассортимент - целых 43 оттенка.

Как использовать?

Хорошо встряхните перед использованием. Нанесите соответствующее количество на подготовленную кожу лица и шеи. Используйте губку или кисть. При необходимости нанесите второй слой.

Revlon ColorStay Makeup Foundation for Combo/Oily Skin with SPF 20 Medium Shades 1 fl oz

Общая информация o: With Jay inside her head, Nahima is about to make the biggest mistake of her life, unless someone steps in to save her from herself. Is it too late to pull her back to safety and serve her a healthy dose of reality? Who will save her from the sins of her mother?Still in prison with severely declining health, Jay is bitter and nursing a vengeful heart. Instead of accepting responsibility for her sins and seeking God’s forgiveness again, she plots to inflict pain on those who she believes have done her wrong. Taking a page right out of Satan’s playbook, she makes her move on an unlikely ally, the weakest soul in the family, the child she never wanted and refused to accept until now. Driven by lies and pure deception, Nahima, almost sweet 16, is on the fast track to self-destruction. The frequent letters and jailhouse phone calls from Jay only fuel her anger. The radical teenager lashes out at those who truly love her and are concerned about her well-being, including her mother, Venus. Even her innocent baby brother, Jalen, is a victim of her wrath. Nahima is romantically involved with a much older man named Santana who has introduced her to a world of sex, drugs, and manipulation. God seems to have turned a deaf ear to Aunt Jackie’s desperate prayers on behalf of her wayward great-niece, but Uncle Zach prefers the no-nonsense approach of tough love and forced accountability.

ID товара: 25008008
Категория: Автомобильная краска
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,12 x 0,02 x 0,22 м, 0,09 кг
Mарка автомобиля: Renault
Mесто ремонта: Наружность
Цвет: Белый

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With Jay inside her head, Nahima is about to make the biggest mistake of her life, unless someone steps in to save her from herself. Is it too late to pull her back to safety and serve her a healthy dose of reality? Who will save her from the sins of her mother?Still in prison with severely declining health, Jay is bitter and nursing a vengeful heart. Instead of accepting responsibility for her sins and seeking God’s forgiveness again, she plots to inflict pain on those who she believes have done her wrong. Taking a page right out of Satan’s playbook, she makes her move on an unlikely ally, the weakest soul in the family, the child she never wanted and refused to accept until now. Driven by lies and pure deception, Nahima, almost sweet 16, is on the fast track to self-destruction. The frequent letters and jailhouse phone calls from Jay only fuel her anger. The radical teenager lashes out at those who truly love her and are concerned about her well-being, including her mother, Venus. Even her innocent baby brother, Jalen, is a victim of her wrath. Nahima is romantically involved with a much older man named Santana who has introduced her to a world of sex, drugs, and manipulation. God seems to have turned a deaf ear to Aunt Jackie’s desperate prayers on behalf of her wayward great-niece, but Uncle Zach prefers the no-nonsense approach of tough love and forced accountability.
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